
In the Czech Republic, a distinction is made between the categories of juniors (U22) and pupils (U16) for young players. In general, curling can be played from about 8 years of age (a curling stone weighs almost 20 kg. Even if the stone is only sent, it is better if the curler is heavier than the stone).


Currently, the Czech junior national team is competing at the World Junior B Championship, which will be played on December 8-19, 2022. The Czech Republic is represented by juniors Dion XX (Zelingrová) and juniors Ledoborci NG (Hanák).

From MS-B it is possible to advance to MS-A, which will take place in late February and March 2023 in Germany.

Recently, the juniors were close to promotion from MS-B, but covid prevented them. Juniors last played MS-A in 2013, juniors in 2015.

Czech pupil and junior competitions

international junior tournament EJCT Prague

The most important junior event in our country. The competition for boys and girls (U21) is played separately. The only Czech tournament that is part of the European Junior Curling Tour. The last edition in October 2022 was won by the Scots (Henderson) and the Japanese (Maeda). More info. You can find summary information on the website

Czech championship

🥌 MČR mixed doubles juniorů 17-20 November 2022 – Under 21 Mixed Pairs Competition. The winner for 2022 was Zelingrová / Chabičovský. There is no international championship in this category yet. The selected team may go to the final tournament of the Nordic Tour, which is considered an unofficial world championship. Last year Farková / Jakl won.

🥌 MČR juniorů a juniorek 17-19 March & 14-16 April 2023 – Under 21 Competition. The winners will represent at the next World Junior Championship. Dion XX (Zelingrová) and Ledoborci NG (Hanák) won among the juniors.

🥌 MČR žáků 17-19 March & 14-16 April 2023 – Under 15 mixed competition. There is no international championship in this age category.

other tournaments

🥌 Juniorská a žákovská liga | Star League – already the 6th year of the long-term competition, which has also had international participation since last season. Watch the CT report from the older final. In cooperation with foreign associations, the competition is transformed into a set of international tournaments, so that young curling stars can get acquainted with the foreign level and conditions in other halls. The name Prague Circles is used for the Prague tournament.

🥌 Pohár juniorů a žáků – short-term competition of young players

Sportsmanship Award

The award is given to the player who best represents the Spirit of Curling. Holders are chosen by the players themselves from among themselves. Read the national coach’s statement on the 2019 award.

Sportsmanship Award Recipients
2020 –  Julie Zelingr
2019 – Vít Chabičovský
2018 – František Jiral
2017 – Jiří Matějíček

STM – Talented Youth Center

Head coach STM: Petr Horák – | 777 064 975

STM coaches: Jan Zelingr, Kryšfof Krupanský, Alžběta Baudyšová, Michaela Baudyšová, Monika Podrábská Skotnická, Michal Vojtuš, Petr Štěpánek, Martin Votava, Petr Dáňa, Vojtěch Reitmajer, Danila Liamaev

Tréninky STM (xls)

How to start curling?

Visit the website, where you will learn everything you need.

The procedure is the same for children and adults. First, you need to become a member of the club, which will help with other requirements. It is possible to start curling from around the age of seven or eight. Groups of five or six players are optimal so that they can immediately form a team. Individuals will be attached to existing teams where possible.


Juniorský curling v Čechách (Chaloupek, Černovská, 2011) v pdf & totéž ve wordu

Pravidla individuálního curlingu

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