David Šik has been elected as one of the World Curling Directors

8. 9. 2024

David Šik has been elected as one of the World Curling Directors. Currently, he serves as the President of the Czech Curling Association, and he is the first Czech to be elected to the World Curling (WC) Board.

The Board comprises eight members with overlapping terms. Four members, including President Beau Welling, Helena Lingham, Sergio Mitsuo Vilela and Robin Niven, are elected until 2026. They are joined by new Directors, David Sik and Jill Officer, as well as Vice Presidents Morten Søgård and Kim Forge.

David Sik is the first and only Czech to be elected to the World Curling Board. The only other Czech involved with the World Curling Federation is Jiri Snitil, who has been serving as the Competition-Development Officer since 2018.

Board 2024
© World Curling / Amy Gibson | WC Board Members: Helena Lingham SWE, David Šik CZE, Jill Officer CAN, Morten Søgård NOR, Kim Forge AUS, Beau Welling USA (president), Sergio Mitsuo Vilela BRA, Tyler George CAN (Athletes Commission Chair), Robin Niven SCO



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